- Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Nov. 2023.
- M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota, May 2022.
- B.S. in Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, July 2018.
Research Topics
- Theoretical understanding and practical implementation of differential privacy for large-scale optimization.
- Theoretical aspects of distributed optimization, algorithm design in decentralized optimization, and federated learning.
- Photovoltaic power generation, Inverter modeling, Smart power grid control
Work experience
- Dec. 2023 - Present: Postdoc in ISE
- Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California
- Advisor: Prof. Meisam Razaviyayn
- May 2023 - Nov. 2023: Applied Scientist Intern
- Amazon Web Services, Inc.
- Duties included:
- Research on differentially private training LLMs.
- Develop differentially private large-scale training algorithms for foundation models.
- Mentor: Dr. Woody Bu, Prof. Mingyi Hong; Manager: Dr. Kaixiang Lin
- May 2022 - Sept. 2022: Research Intern
- IBM-MIT Watson AI Lab.
- Duties included:
- Research on federated learning on graph data and graph neural networks.
- Develop federated learning algorithm for feature distributed graph data.
- Research on Bayesian Optimization with unknown constraints.
- Supervisor: Dr. Jie Chen
- Fall 2018 - Fall 2023: Graduate Research Assistant
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota
- Duties included:
- Research on distributed algorithms, including federated learning and decentralized optimization.
- Develop distributed machine learning systems for training neural networks using Python with TensorFlow/Pytorch and MPI.
- Parallel programming using CUDA to solve large-scale distributed sparse precision estimation problems.
- Research on distributed inverters and power grid control and implementation of gradient descent type algorithm on embedded microcontrollers.
- Supervisor: Prof. Mingyi Hong, Prof. Sairaj Dhople
- May 2020 - Sept. 2020: Research Intern
- Alibaba Group (U.S.) Inc.
- Duties included:
- Research on large-scale federated learning systems.
- Develop a federated learning system for training large-scale neural networks using Python with Pytorch.
- Parallel programming using multi-process multi-thread method to solve large-scale distributed communication problems.
- Supervisor: Prof. Kun Yuan, Prof. Wotao Yin
- Spring 2017- Summer 2018: Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China
- Duties included:
- Research in embedded machine learning and visual tracking algorithms for multi-UAV systems.
- Develop embedded controllers for UAVs with real-time visual feedback.
- Supervisor: Prof. Qing Ling
- Journal Review
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
- IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
- Journal of Systems Architecture
- Journal of Machine Learning Research
- Transactions on Machine Learning Research
- Conference Review
- Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
- International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
- International Conference on Machine Learning (ICLR)
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)
- Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
- Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)
- Programming: C/C++, Python, MATLAB, JAVA, Oracle
- Experienced Packages: OpenCV, CUDA, TensorFlow, PyTorch, MPI
- Language: Chinese, English, Japanese